What if the Mind?

What if the Mind could transcend the physical boundaries of the body, navigating dimensions beyondordinary perception?

In the second volume of Mind Travel newsletter I delve into the scientific underpinnings of mind travel, bridging the gap between human experience and theoretical physics. By examining parallels with out-of-body experiences, the role of induced meditative states, and the insights offered by cutting-edge quantum theories, such as the holographic principle and positive geometries, I aim to illuminate how mind travel might not only be conceivable but also rooted in the fabric of reality.

Positive Geometries

Since the discoveries of positive geometries and the introduction of the amplituhedron by physicist Nima Arkani-Hamed and collaborators, our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality has undergone a profound shift [3]. These groundbreaking concepts, primarily celebrated as advances in quantum field theory, also inspire deeper philosophical reflections. Among these are the possibility that consciousness itself may hold a foundational role in the architecture of existence.

Positive geometries have reshaped how we conceptualise the universe, challenging the traditional framework of space-time and locality as primary building blocks of reality.[3]

Instead, they suggest an underlying structure, a realm where the familiar notions of space and time dissolve, leaving room for new interpretations of existence.

This paradigm shift aligns with the idea that consciousness might not just observe reality but actively participate in its formation.

Yet, the mathematical and conceptual complexity of positive geometries often renders the concept inaccessible to those outside the fields of physics and mathematics. The profound implication of these theories, while revolutionary, remains locked behind equations and specialised language, preventing their transformative potential from reaching a broader audience.

In Dr Erwin Mind Travel, I seek to bridge this divide by embedding these advanced ideas into the fabric of a compelling narrative. Through the lens of Dr Erwin, I explore how these abstract theories might manifest in a tangible way, how the principles of positive geometries, quantum physics and quantum computing could inspire the creation of mind travel technology. By crafting a story where consciousness becomes the centralforce,

I invite readers to engage with these profound ideas in an accessible and imaginative context.[6]

My narrative approach not only demystifies the science but also underscores its relevance to everyday questions about the nature of existence, the potential of human consciousness, and the possibilities that lie beyondour current understanding.

Consciousness is Fundamental

In my book, I propose a bold perspective: Consciousness, not matter, is the fundamental building block of existence. This paradigm challenges traditional views of reality by suggesting that the material world emerges from consciousness itself. By shifting focus from the physical to the mental, this perspective offers a potential resolution to the classic mind-body problem.

My exploration draws on ideas from analytical idealism thinkers, such as Bernardo Kastrup[1],and others that argue the universe is not an objective material construct but rather a manifestation of a universal consciousness.

What we perceive as the physical world arises from the mental processes of the universal consciousness, with our individual experiences being localised modulations of this broader mind.[1]

Similarly, the non-duality traditions[2] of Eastern philosophies, such as Advaita Vedanta, emphasise the unity between the individual self and the universal consciousness. Together, these philosophical and scientific perspectives form the conceptual underpinnings of mind travel technology, presenting an intriguing vision of how understanding consciousness could reshape our future.

Within the narrative, this philosophical foundation provides the backdrop for the development of mind travel technology. Set in Perth, Australia, in 2052, the story follows Dr Erwin, an experimental quantum physicist, and his team of engineers and scientists as they push the boundaries of human understanding. Their groundbreaking technology leverages Integrated Information Theory (IIT) to map the brain’s substrateand capture the intricate patterns of consciousness.

My approach builds on recent groundbreaking technology that leverages Integrated Information Theory (IIT) to map the brain’s substrate and capture the intricate patterns of consciousness.[5]

Through this narrative I delve into how the application of IIT could revolutionise technology, providing a scientific basis for mind travel. I envision a future where consciousness itself becomes the key to accessing and interacting with dimensions beyond spacetime, transforming not only neuroscience but also the way we perceive human experience.

Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE)

The concept of mind travel in my book draws striking parallels with scientific discussions on out-of-body experiences (OBEs), particularly the research by Blanke and Arzy (2005), which highlights how disturbed self-processing at the temporo-parietal junctioncan lead to the perception of being outside one’s physical body[4]. OBEs, often characterised by perceptions that seem to occur outside the physical body, challenge the conventional understanding of mind-body interaction.

This exploration resonates with emerging theories suggesting that consciousness is not confined to the brain but could instead function as a fundamental aspect of reality. This perspective shifts the focus from consciousness as a mere byproduct of neural processes to consciousness as a primary player in shaping the universe itself.

My speculative portrayal aligns with some interpretations of quantum mechanics, where observation and consciousness play a pivotal role in determining outcomes. It also aligns with the philosophical stance of analytical idealism[1], which asserts:

The universe is akin to a dashboard of dials—a perceptual interface created by consciousness. Just as the dashboard of dials in an airplane represents the external world outside the cockpit, the reality we perceive is also a mental representation—a filtered interpretation of a greater reality that we do not have direct access.[1]

Investment in future

Exploration of mind travel requires investment in future discoveries that challenge conventional scientific paradigms. Currently, over 98% of research funding is allocated to traditional science, highlighting the imperative to invest in groundbreaking ideas that could redefine our understanding of reality. Early discoveries by technology firms in areas like mind travel have the potential to lead to enormous advancements, not only within their specific domains but also by opening new avenues of related research that have yet to be explored.

Investing in cutting-edge science and technology such as mind travel can yield early benefits and foster innovation. The research itself paves the way for a new body of knowledge, encouraging exploration into uncharted territories of science and technology.

In the upcoming newsletter, I will I delve deeper into its architecture.

Mind Travel Newsletters aims to illuminate the groundbreaking intersection of neuroscience, Integrated Information Theory (IIT), and quantum computing. By exploring these cutting-edge fields, it offers a glimpse into how these advancements could revolutionise our understanding of consciousness and unlock human potential.

Further Reading

[1]: Kastrup, B. (2019). The Idea of the World: A Multi-Disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality. Iff Books.

[2]: Ramachandran, T. M. P. (2014). Advaita Vedanta and the Mind-Body Problem. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 42(3), 331–347.

[3]: Arkani-Hamed, N., & Trnka, J. (2014). The Amplituhedron: A New Way to Compute Scattering Amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(12), 30.

[4]: Blanke, O., & Arzy, S. (2005). The Out-of-Body Experience: Disturbed Self-Processing at the Temporo-Parietal Junction. Neuroscientist, 11(1), 16–24.

[5] Tononi, G., et al. (2022). Recent advances in Integrated Information Theory and its applications in clinical neuroscience.

[6] Touchai, H. (2024). Dr Erwin Mind Travel. Hugh Touchai; Google, Apple, and Amazon.

Dr Erwin Mind Travel Series

Dr. Erwin’s Mind Travel, my debut science fiction series, available on Google, Apple and Amazon Book Stores

Dr Erwin Mind Travel: Sphere of the Pacific is a fast-paced, scientifically grounded, and intellectually captivating space opera that explores the boundaries of human consciousness and the possibilities of advanced technology. With a thrilling narrative that seamlessly blends cutting-edge science with imaginative storytelling, the book takes readers on a journey through time, space, and the very fabric of reality.

In writing Dr. Erwin’s Mind Travel, I applied the same rigour as in scientific research, but storytelling allowed for more creative freedom. Unlike the strict methodologies of scientific papers, the narrative became a space to explore the boundaries of human understanding, blending cutting-edge theoretical physics, philosophy of mind, and quantum technology.

The Dr Erwin series is not just another time-travel story—it’s an exploration of cutting-edge quantum technology and the depths of human consciousness, offering a scientifically plausible path to Mind Travel Technology. With one book already published, an upcoming prequel, and a companion scientific book explaining how these breakthroughs could be achieved within a decade through advancements in quantum computing, the Dr Erwin series delivers a timely, visionary narrative at the intersection of innovation and imagination.

The series promises breathtaking visual storytelling, from awe-inspiring views of the cosmos and the solar system’s vast wonders to alien landscapes that evoke a sense of mystery and grandeur. These otherworldly realms are as vivid as they are uncharted, filled with unknown civilisations and surreal natural phenomena. Alongside these visions is a serene, futuristic depiction of Perth, Australia, a city that stands as a symbol of technological advancement, seamlessly integrating nature with innovations that push humanity beyond its current limitations. Through stunning vistas, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, Dr. Erwin Mind Travel offers a visionary glimpse into the next frontier of human potential.

These vivid settings will captivate readers from the start. The introduction of alien civilisations, with their intricate and fantastical landscapes, adds layers of wonder and discovery. Dr Erwin’s mind-bending journeys through time and space provide endless opportunities for surreal, visually striking sequences, dynamically representing the expansion of human consciousness in ways that are both artistic and cinematic, elevating the reader’s experience.

Science of Quantum Mind Travel

Unlike traditional time-travel stories, Dr Erwin Mind Travel is rooted in real scientific theory. Dr Erwin’s abilities are amplified in a hyper-sleep chamber that mimics deep meditative states, similar to the mystical experiences often reported in lucid dreaming or transcendental meditation. This concept isn’t mere fiction—it draws from real-world advancements in quantum computing, theoretical physics  and neuroscience, offering a plausible glimpse into a future where mind travel could become a reality. The series goes beyond adventure, delving into the philosophical and scientific implications of such a breakthrough, presenting a visionary take on how quantum technology could reshape human consciousness and reality.

One of the key speculative leaps in Dr. Erwin’s Mind Travel framework involves harnessing the concept of positive geometry, a recent discovery in theoretical physics, which suggests that spacetime and all physical laws are manifestations of underlying frequencies that can be detected and measured as scattering amplitudes in the Higgs Field.

Positive geometry, a concept that suggests spacetime emerges from more fundamental structures, forms the basis for understanding how reality itself might be shaped by vibrational patterns that originate from these geometries. The universe, according to this theory, is not fundamentally built on spacetime, but on an infinite variation of positive geometries that create the vibrations we observe as scattering amplitudes within the Higgs field. These scattered amplitudes, interacting with the Higgs field, collapse into the physical particles and structures that form the material universe.

Dr. Erwin’s technology leverages these principles to explore the vibrational nature of the universe, offering a pathway to transcend physical limitations and enable consciousness to travel through time and space.

In essence, we observe time “from the inside” because we are part of it. With no external reference point, we inevitably perceive time as a “dance of perception” between our computational limits as observers and the computational irreducibility of the observable universe. Since we exist within the cosmos, the boundaries of our perception collapse into a shared reality that can only comprehend so much at once, leading us to naturally experience time as a causal sequence—past, present, and future.

Advancements in concepts like positive geometry, which suggest that spacetime is emergent and not a fundamental property, expand our understanding of the fabric of reality. Dr. Erwin’s mind travel technology leverages this concept to align consciousness with the universe’s underlying vibrations, allowing it to transcend physical limitations and travel through time and space as pure information. This framework proposes that reality itself is made of consciousness—a vibrational field, much like ripples in an infinite ocean of awareness. The scattered amplitudes in the Higgs field, entangled with these positive geometries, project the reality we perceive as the physical universe. Typically, these scattering amplitudes are influenced by the Higgs field, which imparts mass to particles, grounding them within the physical universe. The framework suggests that by preventing the scattering amplitude particles—those connected to the subject’s consciousness—from interacting with the Higgs field, they would lose mass. In doing so, consciousness would enter a massless state, no longer bound by the physical laws that normally apply to matter.

Erwin and his team have developed a revolutionary quantum mind travel technology that operates by capturing brain activity through a neural interface, converting it into a quantum substrate. This quantum substrate is then translated into scattering amplitudes aligned with specific temporal coordinates in the Higgs field, allowing consciousness to project across time.

The mind travel technology itself resembles an advanced meditation chamber, where the subject enters a hyper-sleep state powered by Dr Erwin’s technology. In this chamber, the brain’s neural activity is amplified into a deep dreaming state, where the traveler can access not only their own past memories but also events in shared realities based on collective narratives. The chamber bridges the gap between the personal and collective unconscious, making it possible for the mind to explore various layers of memory, history, and alternate realities.

The Hyper Neural Chamber is designed to induce a hyper-sleep state, where the brain’s neural activity is amplified to a level that allows the subject to enter a deep dreaming phase unlike any ordinary sleep. In this state, the traveler can access not only their own past memories but also events tied to shared realities. Dr. Erwin’s mind travel technology transforms the act of dreaming into something far more profound, where the boundaries between individual consciousness and collective narratives begin to blur.

The neural interface is a key piece of technology that allows for the conversion of brain activity into quantum data. It captures the electrical patterns in the brain as quantum substrate that correspond to scattering amplitude and then  converted to a pure information as positive geometry. This conversion process enables the mind to engage with the quantum fields directly, allowing for a seamless transition between the biological and quantum realms.

Integrated Information Theory (IIT) serves as the theoretical basis for understanding consciousness within this framework. According to IIT, consciousness arises from the integration of information within a system. In Dr. Erwin’s theory, the human mind can be mapped onto a quantum state, effectively converting integrated information into quantum data that can be manipulated within the quantum field. This mapping process is essential for mind travel, as it allows the mind to move beyond its normal limitations and interact with time in ways that are normally impossible.

Through the integration of quantum physics, neuroscience, and positive geometry, the mind travel technology allows consciousness to transcend physical limitations and explore different points in time. This framework, though fictional, is grounded in real-world scientific principles, creating a plausible vision of what could be achieved with advanced understanding and manipulation of the mind and quantum fields

While speculative, the theory remains grounded in known scientific principles, expanding the possibilities of what could be achieved through a deeper understanding of the human mind.

Quantum computing plays a crucial role in the scientific foundation of mind travel. Although quantum computers are not yet widely available, their powerful computational capabilities are making groundbreaking progress. As advancements continue in reducing noise and eliminating the need for intricate cooling systems, quantum computers could become more accessible within the next decade. This would enable visionary scientists like Dr Erwin to harness their vast computational potential.

Quantum computers differ from classical computers in that they use superposition, allowing them to process data across multiple possibilities simultaneously, rather than one calculation at a time. At the heart of quantum computing is the ability to process information not in binary terms—ones and zeroes—but in a state of superposition, where quantum bits (qubits) exist in multiple states at once. This capability dramatically increases the computational power of quantum systems, enabling them to solve complex problems that would be impossible for classical computers to handle. As the technology becomes more refined and accessible, the potential for applications in fields like physics, cryptography, and even mind travel expands dramatically.

In the context of mind travel, just as quantum computers handle vast computations in parallel, the mind—when in an entangled state—could similarly navigate multiple realities or timelines simultaneously. This opens up the possibility of exploring futures, pasts, and events without being confined to a single path of time. Freed from linear constraints, the mind could theoretically exist in multiple places across time, mirroring the potential of quantum computation to transcend the limitations of traditional processing.

This speculative model is supported by various phenomena, such as precognition and near-death experiences (NDEs), where individuals report traveling to shared dimensions beyond their physical bodies. These experiences suggest that the mind, in certain states, can project itself into a non-physical, shared dimension—an astral world that exists as a manifestation of scattered amplitude vibrations entangled with positive geometries outside of spacetime. Dr Erwin’s mind travel technology, though speculative, builds on these accounts, suggesting that with further advancements, it could become a feasible device for unlocking the potential of human consciousness to transcend time and space.

While precognition and NDEs are considered isolated, often inexplicable experiences, Dr. Erwin’s technology aims to make them accessible through scientific means. By understanding the mechanics behind these phenomena—the interaction between scattered amplitudes and positive geometry—the technology could unlock the potential for conscious travel beyond physical and temporal boundaries. The speculative leap suggests that human consciousness, once freed from the physical body and mapped onto the quantum structure of reality, could traverse the astral dimension, experiencing and interacting with events outside of linear time.

In essence, Dr Erwin’s mind travel device provides a speculative but plausible framework for projecting consciousness beyond its physical limitations, grounded in cutting-edge scientific theory. With further technological advancement, this device may one day allow humanity to explore the vast possibilities of existence beyond the physical realm, opening up new dimensions of reality.

Dr Erwin’s journey reflects his belief that human consciousness is capable of experiencing alternate dimensions and timelines through its intrinsic connection to the quantum fabric of reality. This is why he views mind travel as an extension of meditation, lucid dreaming, and out-of-body experiences. For Erwin, mind travel is not a fantasy but a logical progression of scientific understanding, moving from theory into tangible technology.

Another key mechanism for this technology lies in the use of entangled particles as conduits between the mind and the quantum realm. Entanglement, a quantum phenomenon where particles become linked in such a way that the state of one particle directly influences the state of another—no matter how far apart they are—allows the mind to exist in a state of quantum superposition. This effectively frees consciousness from its physical anchor, enabling the traveler to interact with multiple realities or points in time concurrently. For Dr Erwin, this idea opens up new avenues for exploration. The belief that the universe is not simply composed of matter and energy, but vibrational frequencies tied to consciousness itself, becomes central to his work.

In writing Dr. Erwin’s character, I envisioned him as someone who believes consciousness is not a byproduct of brain chemistry, but rather the fundamental fabric of reality itself. According to Erwin, both we and the entire cosmos are expressions of the Cosmic Mind’s vibrational frequencies. He sees consciousness as the source of all existence, with the brain merely acting as a receiver or conduit, rather than the origin of thought or awareness. This perspective challenges conventional scientific views, positioning consciousness as the driving force behind the universe, with everything—including matter and energy—being byproducts of these cosmic vibrations..

Dr. Erwin’s character, a reflection of my own curiosity, delves into the profound implications of transcending time and space. His work challenges the conventional belief that humans are bound by the linear progression of time or the physical laws governing matter. By developing a technology that projects consciousness beyond its physical anchor, Erwin offers a glimpse into what it means to exist beyond traditional boundaries—allowing the mind to explore alternate timelines, revisit past events, and even glimpse potential futures.

This aspect of the character delves into the philosophical question of what it means to truly be free. For Dr Erwin, the ability to transcend the limitations of the body and experience multiple layers of reality simultaneously is not just a scientific pursuit—it’s a deeply personal exploration of human potential. It raises questions about the nature of identity, the role of free will, and the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the constraints of time and space. His journey is one of discovery, driven by the belief that the human mind is capable of far more than we have ever imagined.

Another fundamental dimension in the development of Dr. Erwin’s Mind Travel technology is rooted in the acceptance of recent discoveries in quantum field theory and cosmology, which suggest that consciousness, rather than matter, is the fundamental foundation of the universe. I’ve explored this concept in Chapter 2, through Dr. Erwin’s PhD thesis, which revolves around the idea of the “Cosmic Mind”—a field of vibrating energy that gives rise to everything, from inanimate objects to meta-conscious life forms like humans. This “Cosmic Mind” has been referred to by various names throughout human history, such as the “Mind at Large,” reflecting its mythical and universal nature.

This speculative leap is central to Dr. Erwin’s belief that consciousness can function beyond the confines of the body, much like quantum particles that move freely between potential states. By decoupling consciousness from mass through his mind travel technology, Dr. Erwin opens up the possibility of the mind existing across various timelines and dimensions at once, experiencing alternate realities in parallel rather than being bound by the linear progression of time.

In my book, Erwin’s work draws on the concept of positive geometry, which challenges the traditional understanding of spacetime as a fundamental construct. In positive geometry, spacetime is viewed as a byproduct of more fundamental structures—scattered amplitudes—which generate the vibrational frequencies that form reality as we perceive it. For Dr. Erwin, this theory provides a powerful lens through which to view the universe: not just as a collection of matter and energy, but as a series of vibrational patterns intrinsically tied to consciousness.

Dr. Erwin’s thesis proposes that all life forms, whether conscious or meta-conscious like humans, participate in the Cosmic Mind. What differentiates these beings, however, is the concept of the “Markov Blanket,” a mathematical boundary that isolates their individual awareness from the greater collective. Lower-conscious beings, such as animals, are separated by a smaller Markov Blanket, allowing them to perceive only a limited subset of reality. In contrast, humans, as meta-conscious beings, possess a much larger Markov Blanket, giving them access to a broader, yet still limited, scope of information and reality.

Metaphorically, the Markov Blanket can be described as ripples or whirlpools within an infinite ocean. While each whirlpool appears unique, they are merely finite vibrations of the frequency generated by the Cosmic Mind. The cosmos, and everything within it—including us—is a finite expression of infinite potential. All living beings, as well as the universe itself, are manifestations of the same substance: consciousness. The universe is the allegory of consciousness, and though we exist within it, part of its essence, we feel separate—like whirlpools scattered across a vast ocean.

The Markov Blanket—the boundary of these whirlpools—creates a subset of possibilities, enabling beings to perceive and interact with reality based on their cognitive capacity. For example, a single-cell organism’s Markov Blanket defines a narrow scope of reality, which can be observed under a microscope. Humans, with their expanded awareness, have a broader scope, allowing them to promote shared visions and manifest collective realities.

Dr. Erwin theorises that this shared vision can collapse into physical form, much like how well-known technology conglomerates have harnessed collective vision to create groundbreaking products. This serves as a metaphor for the vast potential of human consciousness when it is aligned with technological and scientific advances.

While our current technological capabilities only allow us to scratch the surface of these possibilities, Dr. Erwin’s work envisions a future where mind travel enables deeper exploration. Dr. Erwin argues that the Markov Blanket not only separates us physically but also metaphysically, disconnecting our individual consciousness from the infinite ocean of the Cosmic Mind. He likens this dissociation to what occurs in dissociative identity disorder, where distinct personalities within a single mind remain unaware of one another, forming isolated realities within a shared framework. This separation, according to Dr. Erwin, is the key obstacle his Mind Travel technology aims to overcome, allowing humanity to access the limitless potential of universal consciousness.

Ultimately, Dr. Erwin embodies the idea of thinking expansively—his journey through unimaginable realities is a metaphor for the kind of ambitious thinking needed to shape our own world. Just as Erwin navigates the depths of time, space, and consciousness, I believe that we, too, must navigate the multiple dimensions of possibility when envisioning what comes next for humanity. This message is especially relevant for cities like Perth, my hometown, where I hope such visionary thinking can take root and inspire innovation. Perth becomes a symbolic canvas for this grand vision, much like Dr. Erwin represents the potential of one individual to symbolise larger hopes and dreams.

Mind Travel Technology

In the Mind Travel newsletter, I explore a concept suggesting that consciousness might interact with the Higgs field to extend beyond conventional limits of space and time. Through the scientific intersection of neuroscience and quantum computing, I propose a speculative model for mind travel—detailed in my book Dr Erwin Mind Travel, available on Apple, Amazon, and Google.

Quantum Mind Travel Technology seeks to bridge the theoretical divide between neuroscience and quantum mechanics, proposing a model in which consciousness transcends conventional experience and potentially engages with non-local dimensions. This approach draws on principles from quantum field theory and neural integration to explore how consciousness might extend beyond physical limitations. Below is a brief overview of the speculative science underlying Mind Travel Technology, the focus of my new book.

At the core of Quantum Mind Travel is the incredible power of quantum computing. Unlike classical computers, quantum computers can process information through qubits, allowing them to explore countless possibilities at once through superposition and entanglement. This capacity is crucial in mind travel, as it stabilises and directs consciousness along multidimensional paths. Quantum computing’s ability to calculate probabilities, rather than certainties, means that the mind can explore realities and timelines that exist outside our usual constraints.

Quantum Mind theory is central to this exploration, proposing that consciousness may function at the quantum level, integrated with the foundational structure of reality. In this framework, thought and awareness transcend physical constraints, linking the mind to quantum fields that enable interaction beyond the body. The Quantum Mind is more than a metaphor—it redefines awareness, bridging consciousness and the universe in a scientifically plausible model.

The Higgs Field plays an extraordinary role in the science of mind travel. Typically, particles gain mass through their interaction with this field, anchoring them to the physical world. However, by interacting with the Higgs Field in a unique way, particles related to consciousness can temporarily shed mass, transforming into pure energy. This transition allows consciousness to travel without spatial constraints, crossing the boundaries of dimension and time. The Higgs Field here becomes the gateway, liberating awareness from the physical plane.

Scattering amplitude, a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, quantifies the likelihood of particle interactions and scattering events. Applied to mind travel, scattering amplitude enables precise calculation of stable, interference-free pathways that consciousness can traverse. This precision is essential for maintaining coherence, ensuring that the mind navigates through quantum realms without destabilisation. In this context, scattering amplitude functions as a quantum “map,” delineating a stable trajectory for consciousness during travel.

To establish a stable journey, positive geometry provides a framework to organise complex quantum interactions. By structuring pathways using geometric constructs like the amplituhedron, we can map out a simplified, stable route for consciousness. This approach organises the inherent complexity of the quantum landscape into a coherent structure, allowing for a secure and stable pathway through which the mind can explore other dimensions.

Recent advancements in Integrated Information Theory (IIT) indicate that brain neural signals can be captured as a quantum substrate, offering a framework to ensure that consciousness remains unified and self-coherent within the context of mind travel technology. By embedding IIT principles into the mind travel system, the technology supports a continuous and cohesive relationship between cognition and perception, enabling consciousness to retain its integrity across varying quantum states and realities.

Neuroscience underpins the interface between the mind travel device and human consciousness. By mapping and modelling neural pathways, the technology facilitates a seamless transition from conventional sensory awareness to quantum states. Detailed knowledge of neural network dynamics enables precise synchronisation between the device and the brain, ensuring that the mind travel experience remains stable and coherent. This approach minimises cognitive dissonance or perceptual disorientation, allowing for a safe and controlled journey through quantum realms.

While mind travel remains speculative, advancements in quantum computing and neuroscience could make it scientifically plausible.


Further Reading:

  1. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) 4.0: Formulating the Properties of Phenomenal Experience by Giulio Tononi et al. (2022)
  2. Scattering Amplitudes and Conservative Binary Dynamics at O(G⁴) by Zvi Bern et al. (2021)
  3. Positive Geometries and Differential Forms with Non-Logarithmic Singularities by Enrico Herrmann et al. (2020)
  4. Positive Geometries and Canonical Forms by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yuntao Bai, and Thomas Lam (2017)